Day 3.5

Inputted the writing I did on Day 3 (about half of it was in longhand), and did some searching for potential actors to fulfill key roles in the novel. It’s harder than you would think to find actors that fit the age, physical description, and demeanor that you imagine for your characters. Tom Selleck would be a fantastic Captain Nathaniel Wright (tall, dark, handsome, can be stern and cheeky), if he were younger. And alas 1980’s Magnum PI isn’t quite the right personality needed (drat!).

Day 4

Back into the saddle after taking the weekend off. Wrote 2229 words today, finishing chapter 2 and starting chapter 3. I had in mind a rough idea for the Captain’s (i.e. fiance’s) best friend (Phineas, aka Phin), but was surprised at how he just showed up in the scene and started taking over (his joviality is a fun contrast to the fiance’s reserve). Got our characters from the ball to the church, with Maddy walking down the aisle despite serious misgivings. I left her at the altar (that doesn’t sound quite right), and will pick up with her there tomorrow.

Writing sessions today:

15″ – 333 words

20″ – 521 words

10″ – 244 words

20″ – 510 words

30″ – 631 words

Total writing time: 295 minutes (4 hours 55 minutes)

Total word count: 6409 words