And we’re heading into the final days. Spent an hour-ish while baking oatmeal-cranberry cookies to work on plotting out the rest of the novel. Four dozen cookies later (baked, not eaten), I tackled the Catch Up Day: 4102 words in two hours. I was hoping 7000, but I’ll take 4000.

Today’s surprises: Maddy started healing folks a little earlier than I had planned, and our Captain was shot (and killed?). Not sure how well this will work with that planned out plot from earlier . . .

Writing sessions today:

20″ – 713 words

15″ – 517 words

15″ – 505 words

15″ – 500 words

15″ – 503 words

15″ – 533 words

25″ – 831 words

Total novel writing time so far: 1250 minutes (20 hours 50 minutes)

Total novel word count so far: 35457 words