Writer, Reader, Tea Drinker, Chrononaut

Month: January 2020

Today’s haiku

Photo created by freepik

no plans for dinner

leftovers from free work lunch

happy evening meal

Happy Release Day!

Wilde and Sweet coverNew in The Seven Territories series is “Wilde and Sweet”. It’s a charming short story about love, magic, and demons, set during New Year’s in the alternative Wild West world of magic, zombies, and Chinese mythology.

An Army deserter makes the mistake of kissing the mayor’s daughter at the town Christmas party, and demonic chaos ensues. If you like twists and turns in your historical fantasy stories, I think you’ll enjoy this one.

So if you haven’t gotten your fill of holiday stories (or you’re not quite yet ready for stories about sunny tropical beaches and 4th of July celebrations), check it out! The story is available at the usual digital marketplaces (Amazon and everybody else).

Today’s haiku

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

solstice come and gone

the days should be lightening

can’t see through the fog

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