Well, if that isn’t a clickbait title….

Just look at that! Sweet.
For anniversary/birthday celebration, I experimented with a new recipe* for Chocolate Malt Layer Cake with Brown Sugar-Cream Cheese Frosting. Not only was the recipe new to me, but the technique was a new one, too: all cake ingredients layered into a food processor and set to frappe.
I’m not sure the food processor really did anything different than my stand mixer, but it was a new method.
The cake was good: chocolate tasting without being chalky and overly sweet. Could have used more malt flavor, but it was fine.
The frosting was excellent, and that was even with not adding the 4-6 cups of confectioners’ sugar. Check this out:
Brown Sugar-Cream Cheese Frosting
Put 8 ounces of room temperature cream cheese, 1 stick room temperature unsalted butter, 1/2 cup packed brown sugar, 1/4 cup sour cream, and 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract in a food processor bowl. Cover and frappe until smooth “no more than a few seconds”**.
You could follow the original recipe and then add 4+ cups of confectioners’ sugar, but why would you? This frosting has a lovely sweetness that complements the tang of the cream cheese and sour cream. It’s perfect as is!***
And I’m pretty darned pleased with the results. I mean, look at that thin layer of frosting in the middle!
So this is one recipe that goes down in the “Win” column. Woo hoo!
*For the life of me, I cannot remember which cookbook I found the recipe in. I think it was a ‘fast/easy cooking’ book involving food processors, but that’s all I’ve got.
**It took me longer than ‘a few seconds’, unless the author defines ‘a few’ as nearing 60.
***Seriously. I could just eat that frosting straight out of the bowl and not get sick off it. Of course, I didn’t actually try that. Much.
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