pretty and shiny
but less functionality
ah, the march of tech
-On experiencing a new website backend.
Since when did folders and directories become passe?
pretty and shiny
but less functionality
ah, the march of tech
-On experiencing a new website backend.
Since when did folders and directories become passe?
high-pitched whining
the floor pounding, walls shaking
-kids or construction?
-on renovations at the workplace
the fluffy treetops
waver in the crisp spring breeze
cherry blossom snow
-view on a walk during lunch
fluffy clouds of snow
weigh down the maple branches
-belated winter
-on a late February snowfall
watching on Youtube
Falcon Heavy rocket launch
took my breath away
-not quite the same as being at Kennedy Space Center
for a space shuttle launch, but still pretty damn cool
staring at the wall
I see zombie trains, airships
guess I’m a writer
“Rain!” the forecast said
light blue sky peeks through the clouds
forlorn umbrella
back at the tea space
meeting old friends and new friends
this moment is all
-on attending “Hatsugama”*
This meeting is seen as something very special. Hatsugama is the only time when the tea teacher him or herself prepares tea for all her students. In most cases this tea ceremony is a complete Chaji meeting with Kaiseki meal, Nakadachi breaks, and the whole ritual done the way it was learned during classes. It is impossible to teach the whole Chaji at once, therefor it is always broken up into practicing how to prepare Usucha, Koicha, and arranging the charcoal in Sumidemae. Only this time will the whole ritual be performed by the tea teacher with some help of his or her students. It is an opportunity to meet all the other students whom might be studying on different days and for the teacher to point out some of the details about the flow of a full Chaji meeting. Typical for this meeting is the festive mood, exquisite cuisine, and the curved braided willow branches hung in the alcove.
“rainy and breezy”
hot chocolate-colored water
overflows stream banks
dark skies overhead
happy little umbrella
the world seems brighter
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